New Swarf Magic Videos
We have uploaded two Swarf Magic videos, also available on Youtube, for you to learn more about the product.
The videos shows:
- How to attached Swarf Magic to your nibbler
- How Swarf Magic catches and collects pellets whilst cutting corrugated iron
- Time saving from not having to clean up after cutting
- The rust prevention from not leaving metal shavings
- How it prevents damage to property from metal shavings carried in footwear.
The first video shows the Swarf Magic in action on the job site
The second video shows how to attach the Swarf Magic to your nibbler power tool.
Swarf Magic™ is designed for the professional tradesman to collect all of the die punchings from your nibbler. It has a collection rate of close to 99% collection as tested by the developer Anthony Nation over the last 10 years.
Swarf Magic™ speeds up job times by preventing mess, leaving nothing to clean up.
And no more swarf getting stuck in your boots and causing damage to finished floors or timber decks! The luxury is being able to cut inside in weather knowing there will be no leftover debris.